21 February 2011

who, me?

Hiya. I'm Brooke.

This is my first year in grad school -- and definitely not my last. I'm getting a masters in English (southern lit!) from a big, loud university in the South. Growing up in the heart of the midwest was nice and all, but I like it down here better. Hot, sticky summers, soul food and twangy accents are much more my style. In fact, the twangier, the better.

I like yoga, baking bread, watching copious amounts of snarky television and the occasional skydive. Oh, and books. How could I forget books?!


Oh! And:

I create all of the images seen here, edit them myself, and would really like if you didn't use them without my permission. I also make and eat all of the recipes I post, sew from all of the tutorials and give credit where it's due -- if you see something I've missed, please drop me a line and let me know.

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