10 October 2011

where I've been.


I suppose I owe you an explanation, don't I?


This summer was wonderfully busy, as you can probably tell by my lack of updates. And this fall? It's proving to be even busier than July and August were. I finally started on my thesis (shaping up to be concerned with tomboys, gender neutrality and coming-of-age tales in the American South), settled back into my sunny apartment in my little college town and even got a roommate -- she cooks, she cleans and she makes me laugh when I'm on the verge of tears from all of the reading and writing and analyzing I've done for my thesis.

I guess I should also mention that I PASSED that damn test. I PASSED! REALLY AND TRULY! I only had to analyze Einstein's 'fabric of time' theory in French for two hours and then translate what I'd learned into English without my brain oozing out of my ears or exploding out of my eyes. Grad school is, apparently, VERY SERIOUS BUSINESS. If all goes well with the fracking huge chunk of thesis I'm writing this fall and editing in the spring, I should graduate in May with most of my sanity intact. Unless, you know, the University suddenly realizes I need to pass a doctorate-level calculus course.

Fingers crossed, okay? I'm going to go ahead and cross my toes on this one, too. Just to be safe.

1 comment:

Emily Pinto said...

Glad to hear that all is well with you and that you passed that (damn) test! Good luck with this semester... miss you!