notorious. |
I've been trying to take a picture of myself every day that I work on my thesis (which is, you know, basically every day). By May, I'm hoping to have a collection of potentially hilarious/pitiful photographs of myself during
While the process of writing a thesis isn't exactly the Hellstorm I thought it would be, it's not a cakewalk either. I've logged more hours at the school library than I care to count and the reference desk librarian knows me by name. The familiar buzz of the fluorescent lights on the library's top floor are as good as silence to me now. And I can't get through a morning without a Nalgene full of coffee (don't judge me, it's BPA-free and the only way I can smuggle my liquid gold into the library). I am so grateful for my amazing friends and boyfriend J, who've listened to me drop phrases like 'felt-sense of engenderment' and 'corporeal confines of one's physicality' into conversations about, you know, normal-life stuff. I've plotted out a page in the preface of my thesis -- "Special Thanks to Folks who Provided Unconditional Emotional Support" -- for everyone who's gotten my mind off school, had a beer with me after a long day of research on Freudian sense-of-self or actually listened to what my thesis is concerned with. Ya'll are great. Really and truly.
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