11 February 2011


Ahh, crusty bread. Bane of my existence. One loaf always seems to lead to another -- at least, in my tiny apartment kitchen it does. Being stuck inside for days because of the insane snow meant I had a huge chunk of time to devote to all things flour-y. AND! I finally found baking soda shoved waaay back of my pantry which meant lots of cookies! And brownies! And a half-assed attempt at more cheddar ale soup!

So, of course, all of that left over crusty-bread dough inevitably led to this. . .

. . .which was perfect, because I had about eight friends coming over that night for our Classics Book Club (and of course, there was no way I was going to eat a-l-l of that crusty bread myself. Nope. No way. Not me!). . .

. . .in the long run, all of that bread I had just laying around? Helped me get through another round of this. . .

Here's to hoping I get to go to school next week!

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